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Oldham Parent Carer Forum was started in 2010 by 4 parents and carers of children and young people with additional needs and/or disabilities. Our driving mission was to ensure that parents and carers had access to meaningful information, consultation and co-production opportunities enabling their voices to be heard to drive change and shape better services to improve the lives and outcomes of children and young people with additional needs and/or disabilities aged 0-25.

Memberships of Oldham Parent Carer Forum have grown to over 3100 local families and remains a pan-disability forum representing all additional needs and disabilities.

Oldham Parent Carer Forum is a member of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums.

What do Parent Carer Forums do?....

Share Information: We are here to provide access to information that enables you to access the support you need from the right people at the right time. We also share up to date information and participation opportunities at a local, regional and national level to keep you informed on matters relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Consult: This means we bring together parent and carers of children and young people with additional needs who live in or access service in Oldham to find out what is important to them. Your views, wishes and feelings are represented by your forum representatives to shape services and influence policy and practice. Click Here to access current consultation opportunities.

Co-produce: This means that we can become involved in all aspects of designing, commissioning, delivering and reviewing services as an equal partner. Click Here to read more about how we are represent your views through co-production.

To access our Forum leaflet, upcoming events or more information on how to get involved, click the buttons below