The Change Programme gives us an opportunity to test changes to the way the whole Special Educational Needs/Disabilities and Alternative Provision system works and testing a nationally consistent system of support for disabled children and young people and children and young people with SEN or who need help from an alternative provision wherever they live in the country.   Oldham is part of the Change Programme Partnership for the Northwest Region (NW) working with Rochdale, Trafford, and Manchester, who are the Lead Authority.  This also means that the Parent Carer Forums in each of these areas are equal partners within this programme, working co-productively with partners across Education, Health and Care.  This gives families in Oldham an opportunity to participate, feedback and influence potential changes to the SEND system nationally.

We are testing reforms to gather evidence about what does and does not work.  This will help the Department for Education understand and learn from all partners including parents/carers and children and young people what it will take to make a change to the SEND system.

The link below contains information on the SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan.

SEND Review

The Change Programme Partnerships are currently testing a national template for Education Health and Care Plans.  This means the test template looks the same in all of the test areas.

If your child/young person has received a new EHCP from 5th February, please can you provide feedback on your experience using the link below:

Feedback EHCP National Template(test)