I joined POINT as a volunteer following on from the professional support we received for our son whilst going through the process of an EHCP application.

I am a parent of a son with diagnosis of ASD, SPD, Tourette’s and High Anxiety.

I wanted to give something back to POINT as a thank you and began volunteering.

As a result of volunteering I began my SEND Legal Training having achieved my Level 3 qualification, in June 2019. and I was given the opportunity of the role of Young Person Co-Ordinator.

In October 2020 I moved into the post of Activities Manager starting a new challenge.

My current role within Oldham's Parent Carer Forum is a new step I am excited to take which will give me the opportunity to work co-productively with parents/carers and stakeholders.

Over time I have come to learn that the voice of the individual is the most important part of trying to make things successful. By doing this I feel that we can co-produce services that are inclusive for all of our families.