Services & Support SEND Information Advice Support Service (SENDIASS) Oldham SENDIASS Oldham Sendiass Young People Guidance This Information is for young people who are between 16 and 25 years and who have a special educational need or a disability. It can give you advice if you are unhappy with your special educational needs (SEN) provision or support in school or college and need help and guidance to sort those problems out. As a young person you don’t have to go through the processes of this guide alone, you can get a parent, carer or advocate to support you and do this for you. An advocate is someone who can help you and your parents to say what you want if you find it difficult to do so. For example: you can contact us and we can help find you someone to help you put forward your views or attend meetings with you. You might find this video useful to explain more about how SENDIASS can support you Manage Cookie Preferences